Wailing Wall

About the Artist
Building the Wall
The Exhibition
Contact the Artist
I was reading a book last summer called The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd.  It is a fantastic book; you should read it if you haven't already!  In it, one of the main characters began to build a wailing wall, a place in which she would leave all her pain.  I immediately felt a connection with this idea and I haven't been able to let go of it.  I feel this need to make one...and a need to build it for all mothers who have lost a child, regardless of how or how old their child was.
The Wailing Wall was inspired by my biggest fear as a mother...losing one of my children. 
My hope as an artist and mother was to create a Wailing Wall for other mothers and families who have had this fear realized.   I hope this wall will be a place to leave their prayers and pain, physically and mentally.

The Wall...
Is not a traditional wall.  This wall was hung from the ceiling of the art gallery at Cardinal Stritch University in May of 2008 for the Masters in Visual Studies Final Exhibition.  It is made of hand sculpted ceramic rocks, molded from rocks found on the MIlwaukee Shores of Lake Michigan.  Each rock is no larger than the palm of your hand, imprinted with the names and dates of children who have been lost. 

-Julie Purney, Milwaukee Mother and Artist


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